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SPANA Ethiopia Experts Visit EVA Office to Study the Socio-Economic Importance of Working Equids
On November 27, 2024, the Ethiopian Veterinary Association (EVA) had the pleasure of hosting a team of experts from SPANA Ethiopia at its headquarters. The ...
በፀረ-ተህዋስያን መድኃኒቶች በጀርሞች መለመድ ዙሪያ የሚተላለፉ አጭር የጽሁፍ መልዕክቶች
1. የፀረ-ተህዋስያን መድኃኒቶች በጀርሞች መለመድ በሰው፣ በእነስሳትና በአካባቢ ጤና ላይ ከፍተኛ ጉዳት እያደረሰ ያለ አለምአቀፍ ችግር ነው፡፡ 2. የፀረ-ተህዋስያን መድኃኒቶች በሰውና እንስሳት ላይ የሚደርሱ ተላላፊ ...
To all EVA members and the wider community, the EVA Secretariat is pleased to announce the roles of the newly elected EVA executive board members: ...
Invitation to the 13th Ethio Poultry Expo (Ethiopex) & 8th African Livestock Exhibition and Congress (ALEC)
Dear EVA Members and Partners, We are excited to invite you to the 13th edition of the Ethio Poultry Expo (Ethiopex) and the 8th African ...
National Veterinary Institute(NVI) turns 60 🎉
🌟NVI celebrated 60th anniversary with the motto of “From animal health to economic legacy “on June 29th. The institute has always been a backbone of animal ...